Cary Shiu, Katye Coe & Roni Katz – A bit like a tree
“A bit like a tree” is a workshop that explores the relationship between the inside and the outside. Together and solo we will flow and play between the studio and the outdoors while encountering the multitudes of sentient beings around and among us. What kind of dances emerge through reorienting with other-than-human rhythms, durations, beingness, and inhabitations? How can we dance inside the studio what we experience and sense when we venture into the outdoors? How can multiple correlations help us reimagine through and with queer choreographic frameworks?
Both inside and outside the studio we will experiment with scores of perception, attentions and empathy. We will collect textures, sensations and relationalities and let them deep into our bodies and our dancing. The other-than-human environment will provide us with an abundant substratum for nurturing, getting inspired and challenging each other’s dancing bodies. In exchange we will expand our awareness and listen, and ask what of ourselves can we offer that which is everything.
event page:
The preparation for the workshop took place in the frame of the project “Planetary Practices” by Roni Katz, supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the program NEUSTART KULTUR