Dennis Deter, Anja Müller & Lea Martini – Plants for the Future
by Deter | Müller | Martini
The question of whether plants can feel, think or communicate has long preoccupied science. Recent findings suggest that we humans are more similar to plant creatures than assumed. Current theories, such as those of plant neurobiology, reinterpret our usual reality in such radical ways that we’d like to use them as a starting point for an imaginative and forward-looking readjustment of our relationship with vegetal life.
In the residency „Plants for the Future“ we started exploring elementary theses of plant neurobiology, like plants possessing a form of consciousness, being involved in decision processes and having an equivalent to feelings. Our exploration included practices like reading, observing and being with plants, performing, story-telling and exploring plant-human meetings in Workshops. We aimed for science, art and social interaction to be in equal measure. We started our research within the flourishing vegetal beings at Lake Studios, went to the urban flora of Feld theatre in Schöneberg and had a first public try out of „Plant Walk“in Essen at PACT Zollverein in June 2023. „Plant Walk“ is an audio walk we created in which we invite humans and plants to meet each other in a curious and intimate way.
Deter | Müller | Martini are Dennis Deter, Anja Müller and Lea Martini.