Polina Fenko, born in 1997 in Saint-Petersburg, is a dance artist and dance dramaturge currently based between Berlin and Amsterdam. She holds an MA in Contemporary Theatre, Dance and Dramaturgy from Utrecht University, as well as a dual BA in Art History from the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences (Saint-Petersburg State University and Bard College, New York). In her performances and performative installations she works with different forms of documents (like breathing scores, bodily imprints, dreams) that through methods of infusion, overlay, juxtaposition and disamalgamation create liminal spaces of plural bodily realities. Among many other themes, her work evolves around questions of catastrophic thinking, bodily memory as fractal memory, and relational bodies formed by personal and collective memories. As a dance artist she also works with a format of social choreography and practices that deal with exploration of alternative forms of coexistence and ways of relating to each other. Driven by an interest in alternative forms of knowledge production she organises multidisciplinary laboratories that create spaces for experiential education and discussions in other than verbal types of communication. To mention just a few: Microurbanism and Microchoreography, Vulnerability and risk taking in instant Composition, On Minor Gesture and Microperception.