Benjamin Krieg and Phillip Hohenwarter work independently and in various collaborations as video/film artists in the fields of performance, dance, theatre, visual arts, film and music. In close exchange with stage, costume and light designers, performers, musicians, dramaturges, directors and other working partners involved, they develop and realise video installations on stages and in performance spaces. Both have been working continuously for many years in the independent performing arts as well as in municipal and state theatres in Germany and abroad.

In addition to the development of artistic concepts and ideas, their work also includes a variety of practical work: the finding, recording or artificially generating of visual material using various techniques; the animating, compositing, processing and manipulating of this material; the technical development and programming of often complex (live) video installations; the ongoing flexible adaptation of the work in the rehearsal process in exchange with the other artists involved and often also the control of the entire video installation in the live performances.

They have been working together since 2016 as a team. Both appreciate the joint artistic process and the benefits in both content and form that this collaboration brings in combining their respective strengths and in reflecting on the common work. They also advise and support each other in the production which each of them creates on their own.