Naïma Mazic / n ï m company- October/November 2020

During the Residency I am mostly working on my new piece PoLy-Mirrors, a re-performance of feminine diagonals that will premier on the 18th of March 2021 in Vienna at the brut imagetanz Festival.

Together with the dancers Kelvin Kilonzo and Margaux Marielle-Tréhoüart, the composer & musician Elias Stemeseder and the percussionist Evi Filipou we started working / researching : on the communication between dance & music based on (poly-)rhythms and on the question if/how diagonals created through the body perform femininity.

At the “Unfinished Fridays” on the 20th of November we will perform at the Lake Studios.

These days I was finishing two videos. “THE CHANGING SAME” is a Trailer of the performances we had this summer in Vienna and the second one is a music video I choreographed for the singer Lia Pale.