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Unfinished Fridays #105
Jan. 26th 2024 , 19:30 – 22:00
Wir freuen uns, die 105. Ausgabe von Unfinished Fridays präsentieren zu können, mit neuen Arbeiten/Auszüge der LAKE-Künstler:innen und eingeladene Gäste:
Nico Migdal, Alma Reiss-Navarre, Polina Fenko, RILABEN PAZ
Eintritt Frei. Bitte Anmelden:
Live performance: Rilaben, Cristina Abati Live
visuals : Tina Salvadori Paz
Music: JD Zazie and Cristina Abati
Dramaturgical advice : Cristina Abati
As a condensation of a durational performance of 4 hours , called DEARLUCY, and presented in Europe in 2023 (also visible at Flutgraben gallery on the 25th January 2024, from 17:00h till 22:00), we will present at Lakestudios Unfinished Fridays, a 20 minutes research named “LUCY IN THE SKY” from Beatles’ song, about a new way to approach those sound/text materials we collected in the last two years from an archive of letters of last century written from Ethiopia. We will reflect in terms of sound and abstraction, post colonialism, censorship, as jamming in radio frequencies, poetry of sound and voice, in queer repetitions and relations with Lucy’s bones, colors and between multimedia instruments. From grandchildren to grandparents, from Africa to Europe, from humans to more-than-human beings: Dear Lucy is a performative project about the manifold connectingthreads between personal and collective history, and between the body’s presence in the here and now, its origins in the past, and its orientation toward the future.
Franz Thalmair and Gudrun Ratzinger

Hearth Study – By Alma Reiss-Navarre
Performed by Alma Reiss-Navarre & Nico Migdal
Music: TBD
Hearth Study is an investigation into the relationship between the four main caverns of the heart, its outer lining, and the act of sustaining warmth. In this work, grass travels through the tubes of the body as a fluid, nestles in caverns, and is molded by internal walls. This grass acts as the delicate community in which oxygen, touch, and loss can be supported. Hearth Study is the new growth of a full length piece.

Performance by Nico Migdal
Thank you to Alma Reiss-Navarre for all your help and creative advice
As a lover of being looked at, and someone scared of being perceived, I play with the viewer’s gaze on my body. I want to challenge the limits of my physicality in relation to digital media and my own visual art practice, in order to work towards an interdisciplinary state of being.

(sans) ordre /Work in Progress – By Polina Fenko
This playful performance-lecture creates a space to engage with choreographic and military scores. Through centuries both war and dance were busy with notating movement. Through scores they did not only transcribed in specificity collective and personal movements and gestures, but also rehearsed and re-enacted these scores. How can these comparisons challenge our preconceptions and invite us to reflect on the intersections of discipline and creativity, regimentation and freedom?