Gry Tingskog (they/them) works with choreography through perception, bodies, crafted objects, technology, light, sound and text. Approaching these as materials rather than tools, Gry explores choreographies that could produce other gazes, perceptions and relations. Gry’s practice moves between making performances in a collaborative manner, imagining collaborative formats for sharing practices, performing, teaching and writing. Their work has been presented in Sweden, Germany, Denmark, Norway and France in theatres as well as museums.
In 2017 Gry co-initiated INSISTER SPACE, an artist-run organization imagining choreographic methods to create a more solidaric dance community and reorganize artistic work in practice. They were also part of founding höjden, a trans-disciplinary workspace for artists and cultural workers in Östberga, Stockholm. Gry has performed works by, among others, Benoît Lachambre, Trisha Brown Dance Company, Myriam Lefkowitz, Halla Ólafsdóttir and Eliisa Erävalo, Isabelle Schad, Ellen Söderhult, Chloe Chignell, Rodrigo Andreolli and Luis Garay.
Gry is based in Stockholm and Frankfurt. They hold a MA degree in Choreography and Performance from the Institute of Applied Theatre Studies/Justus-Liebig-Universität in Gießen and a BA degree in Dance Performance from DOCH/Stockholm University of the Arts. Gry was awarded, amongst others, the danceWEB Scholarship in 2019, Anders Sandrews Utbildningsstipendium in 2019 and DAAD 2020–2021.