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Unfinished Fridays # 80
Mai 27th 2022 , 19:30 – 22:00
Wir freuen uns, die 80. Ausgabe von Unfinished Fridays präsentieren zu können, mit neuen Arbeiten/Auszüge von:
Judith Förster, Leila Bakhti, Nicole Zaray Meter, Mary Pearson
Der Auftritt findet live in den LAKE Studios statt und beginnt um 19:30 Uhr.
Eintritt: Frei, Bitte Anmelden –
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Judith Förster – caring for strangers / HORIZON PROBLEMS
In this phase of research we started to create a fictional archive of earthly, contemporary, lived experiences and focused on modes of being with each other in choreographic and playful ways. The residency in Lake studios is part of Judiths multidisciplinary project HORIZON PROBLEMS and will be premiering in Sophiensaele this autumn. Inspired by the novel „The Dispossessed“ by Sci-Fi writer Ursula LeGuin the work flirts with the idea of a speculative, anarchistic Mars colony that elevates difference, constant negotiation and imperfect unisons to virtues of coexistence.
Nicole Zaray Meter – Carefree at the End of the World
This is a work in progress performance based on Nicole’s soon to be released single, „Carefree at the End of the World „. ( (C)Nicole Zaray Meter/apartment2D music). A Video/Movement/Music/Text piece, it is inspired by research into housing crises and end-of-world scenarios connected to our systems of greed.
Leila Bahkti – „Oh Mother“
Like an intimate devotion, Oh Mother explores our (forgotten) interconnectedness with nature->Mother Earth. Inspired by themes of separation, remembering and reconnecting, destroying and transformation, it draws a parallel between our care for ourselves and care for the planet. An excerpt of work in progress will be shown of what is to become a longer solo work.
Mary Pearson – Anthropo+Screen by-products, episode iii
A collaborative research project stemming from Mary Pearson and garment designer Alena Kudera (Liverpool), with a collection of garments made from consumerist waste materials designed to give immersive, extra-sensory experiences to dancers who improvise. I am working with the questions, “What have I become?” and, “Can I find empathy in my own entanglement?”
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