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Juni 21st 2023 , 10:00 12:00

Unfinished Fridays Jr. v.92 – Workshops and Performance for Children ages 3-6. with:

Inky Lee, Marie Yan & Makisig Akin, and Julie Peters & Andreas Pichler

(more information below)

This performance is part of LAKE Studios 10th Anniversary Festival with 10 editions of our beloved work-in-progress performance series UNFINISHED FRIDAYS: # 91 – 100!

* All 10 Year Anniversary Festival Events, including the performances, are free to attend with registration. Please reserve with the form below, or on our main Festival Program page.

Aw – Inky Lee, Marie Yan & Makisig Akin

Aw… addresses the topic of emotional discomfort and pain. It portrays a journey of identifying uncomfortable feelings in oneself and practicing strategies to help oneself. This practice that starts in oneself extends out to the people around, and develops into a practice of increasing sensitivity on emotional struggles and needs of oneself and the others.

us -Julie Peters & Andreas Pichler

Through the combination and playfulness of our tools „drumming“ and „dancing“, we want to raise the question „what does us mean“? Together in society, in our families, at school, in our social environment… How do we relate and what connects us? 

In this performance, we aim to bring together movement and rythm in order to awake fantasies and games and share together in a playful setting. We want to create an atmosphere that supports children’s experiences and experiments and allows us being together in another frame.

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