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Unfinished Fridays #85
Okt. 28th 2022 , 19:30 – 22:00
Wir freuen uns, die 85. Ausgabe von Unfinished Fridays präsentieren zu können, mit neuen Arbeiten/Auszüge von:
Der Auftritt findet live in den LAKE Studios statt und beginnt um 19:30 Uhr.
Eintritt: Frei, Bitte Anmelden –
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Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/430261329054309?ref=newsfeed
unchartered property‘ (WT) – Aaron Lang
is a project by BNSL studio and Aaron Lang, in which a dancer and an AI-based setup meet. In a performative installation, in which the setup constantly tries to define the visual presence of the dancer, a choreography of processing one another and oneself will unfold. How do the assumptions and projections of the AI, but also what we assume of it, influence our understanding of the situation and shape how we take decisions?
Funded by Tanz:Digital

The practice of never meeting – Ilana Reynolds and Sabrina Huth
A durational performance installation retelling the story of a four year collaboration between two dancers who have never physically met, The practice of never meeting, unfolds in time and rolls upon rolls of paper. The performance explores not only the imbricated relation(s) between the presence and absence of another body, but also how paper, as material, object and surface to write on and dance with – can be a way of extending the body towards the absent other.

marion storm
marion storm is researching site-responsivity as a method for dancing + re-working a long poem called “Exit Thru the Kitchen”. Site-responsiveness brings up all kinds of questions and problems for her, where is the role of preparation, responsiveness to which elements of the site, and which temporality? “Exit Thru the Kitchen” is a long poem storm wrote after each day of rehearsal at the master exerce in Montpellier (2020), which contours some ways & why’s of gathering together to dance. The poem is deeply personal and wildly fictional, full of embodied figures like crones, crows, and kronos haunting between the lines.

Perspectivity – Choreography: Sasha Amaya, Performers: Sasha Amaya, Emilia Saavedra, Zoé-Afan Strasser
Perspectivity shares fragments of the upcoming work CHOREOGRAPHING ARCHITECTURES, a choreographic study by artist Sasha Amaya which examines how choreography and architecture each confront questions about space, materiality, perspective, and purpose. Combining her dual background in these disciplines, Amaya enters conversations with architects and dancers: how can these two disciplines exchange with one another? In CHOREOGRAPHING ARCHITECTURES, which will premiere at the Deutsches Architektur Zentrum in November 2022, Amaya takes questions and approaches from architects about space, process, and desire as a starting point for the creation of her new work.