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Unfinished Fridays #107

März 22nd 2024 , 19:30 22:00

Wir freuen uns, die 107. Ausgabe von Unfinished Fridays präsentieren zu können, mit neuen Arbeiten/Auszüge der LAKE-Künstler:innen und eingeladene Gäste:

Malika Lamwersiek, Ana Liborio, Cathy Walsh

Program below..

Eintritt Frei. Bitte Anmelden:

unter uns – By Malika Lamwersiek, Jule Steenbeck

performers: Malika Lamwersiek, Jule Steenbeck

Ich komm auf dich zu, Doch nicht, Fast auf der Suche nach unerwarteten und absurden Bewegungen haben wir mit Zwischenräumen, Gegenrichtungen und Kontrasten im Tanz gespielt.

Games as Social Choreography – By Cathy Walsh

Artistic Collaborators: Nicole Nigro and Coila Leah Enderstein.

Sound: Coila Leah Enderstein

Thank you to Lake Studios and Joydeep Sengupta

As an improviser I love playing, and am interested in Games as an embodied practice and as group choreography. We play according to a set choreography in time and space. These social choreographies are present in all our interactions, so by reflecting on how we play, we can observe patterns and underlying social relations. I want to practice modes of interacting that invigorate imagination. Playing is also fucking fun. Should we need a reason to play?

Dawn I (Work in progress) – By Ana Liborio

In collaboration with Brittany Sondergaard

Dawn I is a result of a two-week artistic residency in Lake Studios. A recollection of architectural segments of hybrid bodies in the digital and non-digital interfaces. The performative space is expanded by playing with digital writings and choreographies. In this research, the Portuguese artist reflects on location issues as new understandings for digital utopias of care. The performer is navigating between simultaneous presents where location seems disorienting. The body doesn’t know what it already knows – it is impossible to settle. An immersive and contemplative environment that stimulates other ways of being together.                                                                                  

– art seems strange nowadays –

Special thanks to Maeve Johnson, Bruno José Silva, Rodrigo Pedreira, Naïma Mazic, T2, Malika Lamwersiek, Cathy Walsh, Maria Kousi and to the ones that keep fighting.
