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Unfinished Fridays #102

Aug. 25th 2023 , 19:30 22:00

We are excited to present the 102nd volume of our work-in-progress series Unfinished Fridays, featuring new works/excerpts by resident artists:

Karolina Szwed, Jenna Eve Taus (JET), Marcos Nacar


Entrance Free. Please Register:

Salome . be – long – ing

By Karolina Szwed

Dance “in progress” inspired by tragedy “Salome” of Oscar Wilde, where the range of emotions decisively lead to fatalistic end. 

Is it destiny that we belong to? Is it the freedom that we are longing for? Is destruction a means of rebirth?  

The idea is to find new multicultural body language where the movements come from different dance traditions like Western contemporary and Indian classical dance (odissi), Asian martial arts (kalarippayattu), yoga, butoh and many more.

Called something else (a memorial of names)

By Jenna Eve Taus (JET)

This project serves as a ritualistic time capsule for preserving past versions of self, new identities and the future ones that are waiting to be stepped into. As a nonbinary Jew, Jenna uses the power of names, clothing and stories from their great grandmother (Pauline) to recall and collect the family history that got Jenna to this moment. Inspired and fueled by Pauline and other Holocaust survivors in their family, Jenna is called to celebrate this identity and the various characters it has transformed through over their life. This piece is a memorial through their body.

I don’t know Carmen 

By Marcos Nacar

Performers: Marcos Nacar, and Andrés Ortega.

Music by Andrés Ortega, 

Dramaturgy by Diego Agulló.

Idk Carmen navigates and expands states of presence and absence, through a reappropriation of the Opera, Carmen. The bodies, in dialogue through sound and movement, channel together and against each other, to welcome ghosts and guests.

We gaze after the smoke as it raises in the air,

Do you remember what happened?

I try to balance on the line while they all come,

You are not here when you are not here
