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ABOUT DANCE v2 Ep2: Practices of Nature
Mai 7th 2022 – Mai 8th 2022
“I had the revelation that language is as much a part of the body as my toe-nails or hair. It extends the body”
~ Participant comment, reflecting on the 1st day of the forum
“Oh Salva, please repeat that! About thinking before moving.”
~ Participant comment in online chat during Salva Sanchis‘ talk on theory and practice
TALKS: Practices of Nature
Dr. Katerina (Katarina) Kolozova: Katarina rethinks the foundation of philosophy — questioning from where one thinks when one thinks philosophically. This talk summons Marxism, capitalism, language signification, materialism and more!
Salva Sanchis: Slava’s talk is the poster child for the About Dance forum — a thoughtful and well-articulated meditation on practice and theory. Salva threads us right through the needle of dance technique vs improvisation, and how thinking orients itself with the dancing body.
Susana Caló: Susana’s talk is a deep dive into institutional practices. Using her research about Felix Guatarri and the La Borde clinic in France, Susana demonstrates a strong case for alternative modes of collective functioning.
Maximilian Haas: A talk about the performing arts and ecology, Maximilian measures the aesthetics, sustainability, and positionality of the arts in relation to ecological cosmologies and practices.
Filipa Ramos: About Dance returning champion Filipa talks all things Simone Forti. Filipa walks us through the history of Forti’s work, its relation to ecology and animals, and its continuing implications for art and dance today. Peppered with readings of Forti texts and a recording of a Forti lullaby to warm the heart.
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Practices of Nature
Bateson, Gregory. 1972. Steps to an Ecology of Mind.
Bogue, Ronald. 2009. A Thousand Ecologies.
Guattari, Felix. 1995. Chaosophy. Guattari, Felix. 1989. The Three Ecologies
Katz, Sandor. 2012. The Art of Fermentation.
Kolozova, Katarina. 2015. Toward a Radical Metaphysics of Socialism: Marx and Laruelle.
Mol, Annemarie. 2003. The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice
Stengers, Isabelle. 2005. An Ecology of Practices.
Sennett, Richard. 2008. The Craftsman.
Horkheimer, Max: philosopher and sociologist.
Anne Juren (Grenoble) is a choreographer, dancer and Feldenkrais practitioner. She lives and works in Vienna. In 2003, she co-founded the Wiener Tanz- und Kunstbewegung association under which she created many performances, research laboratories, choreographies and artworks. Juren’s choreographic pieces and artistic works are shown in Europe and worldwide in dance venues, festivals, museums, and art venues. Since 2013, Juren has been a Feldenkrais® practitioner. Between 2014 and 2018, she was a member of the Artistic Committee of the Master Programme in Choreography at DOCH. Recently, she finished her PhD at the Stockholm University of the Arts under the supervision of André Lepecki and Sandra Noeth.
Dr. Katerina (Katarina) Kolozova is senior researcher and full professor at the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Skopje, and visiting faculty at Arizona State University-Center for Philosophical Technologies. At the Faculty of Media and Communications-Belgrade, she teaches contemporary political philosophy. Prof. Kolozova was a visiting scholar at the Department of Rhetoric at the University of California-Berkley in 2009 (under the peer supervision of Prof. Judith Butler), and a Columbia University NY-SIPA Visiting Scholar at its Paris Global Centre in 2019. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the New Centre for Research and Practice – Seattle WA and co-director of the School of Materialist Research (Tempe AZ, Vienna, Eindhoven, Skopje). Kolozova is the author of Capitalism’s Holocaust of Animals: A Non-Marxist Critique of Capital, Philosophy and Patriarchy (2019) and Cut of the Real: Subjectivity in Poststructuralist Philosophy (2014).
Salva Sanchis (Manresa, Catalonia, 1974) is a dancer, choreographer and dance teacher. Graduated with the first generation of P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels, Belgium, Salva has produced over 20 dance pieces under his own name since 1998, and has collaborated on several occasions with Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker and Marc Vanrunxt. Although his pedagogic activity has mostly gravitated around P.A.R.T.S., where over the past 2 decades he has worked as student coordinator and dance technique teacher, he has also taught workshops in numerous institutions across Europe. Salva produced his last work, the quintet “Radical Light”, in 2016, and after having recently completed a degree in Psychology he is currently enrolled in a Data Science Master’s program, while he still engages in some occasional teaching and sporadic artistic collaborations.
Susana Caló is a researcher in philosophy, semiotics, critical mental health, and the politics of madness, co-founder of Chaosmosemedia and Other Ways to Care. She has a Phd from the Centre for Research in Modern Contemporary Philosophy, London, with a thesis on the politics of language and semiotics drawing on the work of activist Félix Guattari. Prior to this, she worked in the field of cognitive science and embodiment at research centers in Portugal and the UK. Her work focuses on the intersections between histories of madness and wider social-political and urban struggles, institutional analysis, and the political life of concepts. Currently she is writing with Godofredo Pereira the book CERFI: Militant Analysis, Collective Equipment and Institutional Programming (forthcoming Minor Compositions).
Maximilian Haas is a performance/dance dramaturge and theorist, and a visiting professor for theatre studies at the Berlin University of the Arts. He graduated in Applied Theatre Studies at Gießen University and completed his practice-based doctorate at the Academy of Media Arts in Cologne. Recently published: Animals on Stage: An Aesthetic Ecology of Performance (Kadmos 2018), How to Relate: Knowledge Arts Practices (Transcript 2021) and Creating and Exhausting: Maja Göpel and Eva von Redecker (Matthes und Seitz 2022). With Margarita Tsomou he curates the ongoing discourse series Burning Futures: On Ecologies of Existence at HAU. With Sandra Umathum he wrote a study on the advancement of sustainability in the freelance performing arts for Fonds Darstellende Künste/BKM in 2021.
Filipa Ramos, Ph.D., is a writer and curator whose research focuses on how culture addresses ecology. She is Director of the Contemporary Art Department of the city of Porto. She is Curator of Art Basel Film and founded the online artists’ cinema Vdrome. She is Lecturer at the Master Programme of Institute Art Gender Nature FHNW Academy of Arts and Design, Basel.
Lake Studio’s reflective forum second episode for this season brings its inspiration from the American choreographer and artist Simone Forti. For more than 60 years, Forti has been a point of reference in contemporary dance — inspiring dance makers with her ground-breaking work in Judson Church, her explorations of the relationship between dance and animals, her narrative improvisations, her writing, and most of all, her personality!
Simone Forti is a particularly interesting artist in our context as she throughout her career has engaged with reflection and writing, at the same time refusing to be captured by conventional forms of generating thought. Simone Forti is not theory and practice, mind and body, doing and reflecting, but the essential dance artist, all of it is dance and dancing.
The forum is introduced through a workshop by the French choreographer Anne Juren active in Vienna, who approaches Forti from multiple angles among others through a strong relation to the work of Trisha Brown, but also in regard to her long-term engagement as a Feldenkrais practitioner, a technology that in her own work has transformed into inner journeys exploring forms of embodiment as well as imagination in to speculative or phantasmagoric landscapes. Anne Juren has next to her own choreographic work recently concluded her PhD at the Stockholm University of the Arts.
The online part of the weekend will introduce five contributors form rather different realms. The philosopher Katerina Kolozova will open the Saturday with an excursion taking of from her recent book connecting to Simone Forti by questioning how the animal is at the very heart of what it means for us as human beings to think and act in the world. The choreographer and extra ordinary dancer Salva Sanchis will give a presentation around dance, reason, anthropology, improvisation and dancing as a form of reflection and reflection as a form of dance. The Portuguese philosopher Susana Caló will bring the first day to an end through her research into Felix Guattari and how alternative forms of institutions allow for different forms of thinking.
After the second workshop session on Sunday morning. The theatre scholar Maximilian Haas will introduce his research on animals and the stage next to his recent work on performing arts and ecology. The event will come to an end through the intimate work that Filipa Ramos has devoted to the practices of Simone Forti through the lens of art history.
10:30-12:30 daily: Live workshops with Anne Juren
15:30-19:30 daily: Online guest artists and contributors: Katerina Kolosova, Salva Sanchis, Susane Caló, Maximilian Haas, Filipa Ramos
Curated by Mårten Spångberg
Hosted by Armin Hokmi & Mårten Spångberg
Assistance & Documentation: Jessy Tuddenham & Maria Kousi
Camera & Editing: Noam Gorbat
Artistic Direction: Marcela Giesche