Paulina Rewucka

Paulina has recently graduated from her Mfa degree in Dance and Participation program at the Danish National School for Performing Arts, Copenhagen (2024) currently an intern of n ï m company, Vienna. She is a freelance artist, collaborator and performer. She facilitates the “Współ_pracownia” community based in Poland focusing on contemporary dance practices accompanied by activist events. Recently she worked with choreographers: Doris Ulrich, Laura Navndrup Black, Naïma Mazic, Daniella Eriksson or Neža Kokalj. She takes part in collective processes such as “Kwitnący kwiat Chthulucenu” from Gleb Michałowski based on Donna Haraway readings with performative laboratory, “HABITAT”, “non-normative positivities”, co-creates an interdisciplinary group of artists “and then there was the sound of birds” and “Hardening the Jaws of Tenderness”, the dance & music duo with Rémy Gouffault. From her own work she most recently performed “mis(s)presence” as a part of Integrated Festival in Copenhagen (2024). She is interested in the biopolitics of embodiment and the dance as a social act and behaviour and movement language as a universal communication tool.