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Unfinished Fridays #110
Sep 27th 2024 , 19:30 – 22:30
We are excited to present the next volume of our work-in-progress series, Unfinished Fridays, featuring new works/excerpts by resident artists and special guests:
Luisa Pisetta, Jacob Reynolds, Sophie Prins, Dimitris Karageorgos & Laoura Tsiati
Program below!
Entrance Free. Please Register:
Dimitris Karageorgos & Laoura Tsiati
The inspiration of our project comes from Mycelium, a fungus that grows underground, creating a network of communication, interaction, and support.To recreate this concept, we utilized materials from the LAKE STUDIOS BERLIN environment, which we discovered through lived experience, such as grass, water, and ambient sounds.Through image, sound, and movement, we aimed to highlight the key elements of mycelium, not only through its biological function but also as a metaphor for human relationships and systems of interdependence.
Laoura Tsiati: dancer, videos, sculptures
Dimitris Karageorgos: music, sound installation
Colaborator : Magdalini Stergiou : actor
creation space : Lakestudiosberlin
dis\spiri – Luisa Pisetta Ravanelli
When my body had just been brought into the light of the sun,it was like that:
vulnerable and easy to be loved.I could effortless fall into slumber.It feels as if the material of my organism is missing in the words I know. It seems I don’t exist, they say I’m against nature, If I am not part of the nature, where am I? Am I a vacuum?
In this solo, vacuums are processed as prolific gaps that calls for new horizons. Luisa aims to bring into the choreographic sphere a space of unsaid as a container of a whole universe – of pain, joy and what’s in between. The artist quest is to communicate through neglected layers of reality between human beings, using a language of discomfort, ambiguity and desire. To do so, the artist expands her body around an architecture of gazes, sounds and impulses. In this dense network, shared with the audience, she hunts for invisible entities that empower her to fall in
Luisa Pisetta Ravanelli: concept, performer and sound editing
soft graft, peeling body – Jacob Reynolds and Miriam Eskildsen
Our residency will focus on exploring a variety of improvisational and choreographic tasks to build an archive of choreographic material alongside aesthetic exploration through the integration of AV elements focused on viewing what a world crafted purely from the human form might look, sound and feel like.Our themes deal with notions of speculative futurism, transhumanism and the body as a site of both self and otherhood. Collating a varied collage of references, soft graft, peeling body will continue to develop the movement and world-language first developed in its previous iteration, soft graft, presented at the inaugural Pōneke Festival of Contemporary Dance 2024.
Sophie Prins
After being confronted with heavy sickness a few years ago, I am curious to find outwhats living in me now. I try to incorporate my reflection on fragility of health, survival, fight, surrender, solace, playfulness and the ambivalence in the small and big things.How do I show up for myself? Which roles and characters live in me?Can I be a role model for her, and is it possible to dance or sing a duet with yourself? What is the sound, shape and musicality of the journey with oneself and the other? And how does the rawness of this landscape inside and around me make me move?
Music: Meredith Monk, Gabriel Fauré, Sophie Prins
Dramaturgy & Assistance: Elisabeth Leopold, Alessia d’Isanto, Marula Lu Bröckerhoff, Jule Steenbeck, Naïma Mazic