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Unfinished Fridays #112
Nov. 22nd 2024 , 19:30 – 22:30
Wir freuen uns, die nächste Ausgabe von Unfinished Fridays präsentieren zu können, mit neuen Arbeiten/Auszüge der LAKE-Künstler:innen und eingeladene Gäste:
Vincent Jonsson, Paulina Rewucka, Mariana Romagnani and Julia Bilat & Almudena Vernhes
Program coming soon!
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Can you feel it? A dance concert – Vincent Jonsson
The performance „Can You Feel It?“ is a pop, funky, and abstract meeting between dance, music, and audience. You will encounter recognizable references and images mixed with abstract movement and impulses that remind you of something you didn’t know you had forgotten. The rhythms in the movement speak louder than words and challenge you to feel rather than think. It aims to remind us of our sensations and call us back to the body.

let me be tamed, landBy Paulina Rewucka
ghosting relationship with dance based on feeling, listening and remembering. what are we with today? learning from the past, experiencing now, mourning no-future“let’s push more flow. let me let go.“
this performance is a part of „ghostly matters“ practice, a collection of memories as re-imagined realities blended with the current events.
thanks for music: Kae Tempest (quoted in description), Maciek Stępniewski, Hania Rani, Rozalla, Kate Bush, Gost and Vołosiassistance: Naïma Mazicvideo collaborators: Neža Kokajl, Matt Choboter, Daniel Oxenhandler

Polymorphic body – Julia Bilat & Almudena Vernhes
We are working with experiences that have shaped and conditioned our bodies. Care becomes a practice that leads to a state of vulnerability and discomfort. The cello and performers come together in a blind, groping, polymorphic body.

If you hold a stone – Mariana Romagnani
Music: Jan Gehmlich
Through the exploration of movement in vulnerable unstable conditions – out of axis, balancing, speaking a foreign language, falling and being close to the ground – “If you hold a stone” invites to attune sensorially to a sense of foreignness: both an unsettling state, as well as a driving force in a process where disorientation reshapes sensibilities.