sanft & energiegeladen Dieser Kurs soll eine Einladung an dich sein, deinen Körper bewusster zu spüren, zu bewegen und in seiner Mitte zu stärken. Durch das Einfühlen in den jetzigen […]
sanft & energiegeladen Dieser Kurs soll eine Einladung an dich sein, deinen Körper bewusster zu spüren, zu bewegen und in seiner Mitte zu stärken. Durch das Einfühlen in den jetzigen […]
GREAT NEWS! Morning Meditations return for one week! From 28 October until 1 November, Marlon will host his Mindful Mornings in person at LAKE Studios. Join us daily, 8:30-9:30am. Join […]
Marlon started meditating at the Village Zendo in NYC with Sensei Enkio O’hara in 1997 and shifted to practicing vipassana meditation at Insight Meditation Society in 2009. Since 2016, he […]
Rooted in the early Buddhist tradition of Insight Meditation, Marlon Barrios Solano holds space for daily meditations, mindful discussions, and day long retreats. Mindful Mornings Group meditation, Monday through Friday […]
Lisa lebt und arbeitet in Berlin – immer und überall auf leidenschaftlicher Bewegungssuche,- Findung und Erfindung. Nach einer dreijährigen Bühnentanzausbildung bei DANCEWORKS Berlin studierte sie zeitgenössischen Tanz am Anton Bruckner […]
In each class we enter the journey into anatomical body structures. Zooming in and out into Muscles, Fascia, Organs, Meridians and Triggerpoints we will find our way from the perceived […]
with Kazuma Glen Motomura THURSDAYS 16:30-17:30 6-12 years old Unlike most hip hop classes where you only copy the instructor, this class offers tools and technique in an improvisational research […]
with Marcela Giesche The class is a combination of dynamic release techniques, qigong, spirals, and grounded animal-like floor work. The basic physicality of walking and running are studied and used […]
Capoeira ist ein afrobrasilianische Kampfkunst, deren Geschichte bis in die Zeit der Sklaverei zurückreicht. Sie verbindet gegensätzliche Aspekte wie Kampf und Tanz durch Koordination, Rhythmus und Musik auf spielerische Art […]
(Japan/ Zimbabwe) combines Street dance, contemporary dance, martial arts and comedy, he is known as bodypoet. He trained various street dances and contemporary dance under masters in NY and Japan, […]
Christian works in schools and kindergardens as self employed sports teacher. He is practicing the Brasilian martial art of Capoeira for 8 years. Besides general movement classes for children in […]
Yoga is huge fun for children. It is a wonderful way to increase their own coordination and balance. In the yoga classes even the little ones manage to concentrate their […]
About me- my name is Nicole Richter. I have been married for 17 years and we live with our three children in beautiful Rahnsdorf. I came to yoga 15 years […]