sanft & energiegeladen Dieser Kurs soll eine Einladung an dich sein, deinen Körper bewusster zu spüren, zu bewegen und in seiner Mitte zu stärken. Durch das Einfühlen in den jetzigen […]

Mindful Mornings

GREAT NEWS! Morning Meditations return for one week! From 28 October until 1 November, Marlon will host his Mindful Mornings in person at LAKE Studios. Join us daily, 8:30-9:30am. Join […]

Marlon Barrios Solano

Marlon started meditating at the Village Zendo in NYC with Sensei Enkio O’hara in 1997 and shifted to practicing vipassana meditation at Insight Meditation Society in 2009. Since 2016, he […]

Meditation Offerings

Rooted in the early Buddhist tradition of Insight Meditation, Marlon Barrios Solano holds space for daily meditations, mindful discussions, and day long retreats. Mindful Mornings Group meditation, Monday through Friday […]

Lisa Gaden

Lisa lebt und arbeitet in Berlin – immer und überall auf leidenschaftlicher Bewegungssuche,- Findung und Erfindung. Nach einer dreijährigen Bühnentanzausbildung bei DANCEWORKS Berlin studierte sie zeitgenössischen Tanz am Anton Bruckner […]

SENSE & DANCE — Zeitgenössischer Tanz

In each class we enter the journey into anatomical body structures. Zooming in and out into Muscles, Fascia, Organs, Meridians and Triggerpoints we will find our way from the perceived […]

Hip Hop Tanz Theater / Bodypoet Method

with Kazuma Glen Motomura THURSDAYS 16:30-17:30 6-12 years old Unlike most hip hop classes where you only copy the instructor, this class offers tools and technique in an improvisational research […]

Contemporary Dance for Beginners

with Marcela Giesche The class is a combination of dynamic release techniques, qigong, spirals, and grounded animal-like floor work. The basic physicality of walking and running are studied and used […]

Capoeira for children and adults

Capoeira ist ein afrobrasilianische Kampfkunst, deren Geschichte bis in die Zeit der Sklaverei zurückreicht. Sie verbindet gegensätzliche Aspekte wie Kampf und Tanz durch Koordination, Rhythmus und Musik auf spielerische Art […]

Kazuma Glen Motomura

(Japan/ Zimbabwe) combines Street dance, contemporary dance, martial arts and comedy, he is known as bodypoet. He trained various street dances and contemporary dance under masters in NY and Japan, […]

Christian Wagner

Christian works in schools and kindergardens as self employed sports teacher. He is practicing the Brasilian martial art of Capoeira for 8 years.  Besides general movement classes for children in […]

Meditation for Teens and Adults

with Nicole Richter Registration: 0175-2920313

Yogini Kids

Yoga is huge fun for children. It is a wonderful way to increase their own coordination and balance. In the yoga classes even the little ones manage to concentrate their […]

Nicole Richter

About me- my name is Nicole Richter. I have been married for 17 years and we live with our three children in beautiful Rahnsdorf. I came to yoga 15 years […]